Pet's Name
Type of pet?
Do you wish to foster or adopt this pet?
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Age
Home Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Email Address
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Employer, if Employed
Please list the names and ages of everyone living in the home, including renters.
Do you currently have other pets?
If so, please provide pets' names, ages and breeds.
Please list ages of frequent visitors (ex: grandchildren, neighbors, etc.) to the home. *
If approved to adopt, will your new dog have regular contact with other dogs? *
If so please list gender/age of those dogs: (i.e. girlfriend’s 2 female dogs, grandchildren’s male dog, etc.)
Have you had pets in the last five years that have passed away or are not currently living with you?
If so, please provide each pet's name and explain the circumstances.
Do you own or rent your home? (If rent, please provide landlord's contact info)
If you adopt this pet, where will you keep him or her?
Indoors? Outdoors?
Where will your pet sleep?
Is anyone in your home allergic to pets?
If so, please describe.
Do you have a fully fenced in yard?
If so, please describe the height and material of fence.
How will you exercise the pet you wish to adopt?
Are you prepared and willing to make a commitment to care for this pet for the duration of its life?
Do you agree to return the pet you may adopt from us to Animal Alliance if there are any problems keeping it?
Required by our contract
If adopting a cat, do you plan to declaw?
If this pet demonstrated behavioral issues, would you be willing to seek assistance from a professional?
What type/brand of food do you plan to feed this pet?
What do you estimate this pet's food would cost per week/month?
How many times per day would you feed your dog/cat? *
What do you estimate medical care costs for this pet would be per year?
On an average day, for how long would this pet be left alone in your home?
Please provide a veterinarian reference (NAME AND PHONE #)
Please provide a personal reference (name, relationship and contact info)
Did you meet this pet at an adoption event? If so, please provide the location (e.g. PetSmart Flemington)