Puppy Yoga at Riding With Heart in Pittstown, NJ
1:00 PM13:00

Puppy Yoga at Riding With Heart in Pittstown, NJ

Join us for yoga at Riding With Heart in Pittstown, NJ. There will be 2 classes, and some adoptable puppies will be on hand. There will also be some time to see the horses after the yoga classes. There are 2 classes, 1PM and 2PM and it is $35 per class per person, with part of the proceeds benefitting Animal Alliance. Please bring your yoga mat and remember it’s for a good cause. To get tickets and register for a class, please scan the PayPal link on the flyer link here: Puppy Yoga at Riding With Heart flyer

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Holiday Shopping Event/Adoption Day at PetSmart in Flemington, NJ
12:00 PM12:00

Holiday Shopping Event/Adoption Day at PetSmart in Flemington, NJ

Come out for the “Santa’s Helpers Holiday Shopping Extravaganza” at Nex Level Flemington to meet some of our adoptable dogs and see some great vendors. There will be over 50 vendors, food, door prizes and the Grinch will be there to take photos with. For more information, go to: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/santas-helpers-shopping-event/1051159146604005/

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